
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Comparing Freeze Dried food to "fresh" and frozen grocery store food

Freeze dried vs dried vs frozen vs "fresh" grocery store produce! Here's a quick summary...
1. Freeze dried food contains more than 96% of the original nutrients
2. Dried food contains about 80% (on average) of the original nutrients, but has preservatives and the higher sugar content
3. Frozen food contains about 60% (on average) of the original nutrients
4. "Fresh" grocery store produce contains 40% (on average) of the original nutrients
5. Processed food... I do not even have an average percentage for this food category, but we all know that the more that food is cooked/steamed/blanched/processed/chemicalized, there will be less nutrients left in the food...leaving processed food severely lacking nutrients.

Long version.......
Thrive Life freeze dried food contains more than DOUBLE the nutrients of store bought “fresh” produce.

Why is there such a difference in nutrient content?
There are several reasons that I have found.....
a) "fresh" grocery store bought produce is picked before it is ripe, then the ripening process is artificially paused for storage, and then the ripening process is artificially resumed. AND, all produce is sprayed (again) if it crosses the border.
b) GMO's.... "As much as 80% of all packaged foods contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms)." (from Dr.Oz website). The main problem with GMO's is that because it is genetically modified in a lab, your body has a hard time recognizing it. If your body cannot recognize something, it will not be properly digested and cause a lot of unwanted weight gain as your body can store GMO's inside fat cells until it decides what to do with it.
More serious health concerns develop over time, as you continue to store the GMO's, and you could see skin rashes, allergies, antibiotic resistance, birth defects, reproductive damage, cancer or endocrine disruption.
c) Soil quality....there are a lot of websites that explain how, over time, the nutrients in our soil are slowly being depleted. This article explains it quite well, without going into an emotional dramatic opera

I know for a fact that Thrive Life uses only suppliers that are regulated by and conform to FDA and USDA requirements. Thrive has spent significant time, effort, and money in carefully choosing our manufacturing partners to ensure the best quality and value in all of our products. To be FDA and USDA approved, Thrive goes through an extremely stringent process and many thorough inspections. We take pride in the quality of our products and works hard to protect our valuable competitive advantage.

I am confident that I am feeding my family the highest quality of food, with the greatest number of nutrients, produced in a the safest and healthiest manner possible. The fact that we have not been sick with colds or flus in 9 months (over the entire flu season) tells me that we are doing the right thing.

Contact me to schedule a family sampling night, your catalog party, or a party where I will prepare and present a large selection of our Freeze Dried food. You will be amazed at how awesome real food tastes!

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